Privacy policy
Last update date: 2024-03-10

Thank you for using our application! We care about the privacy of our users, therefore we have prepared this Privacy Policy, which explains what information we collect, how we use it, and how we protect it. By using our application, you agree to the provisions contained in this Privacy Policy.

1. What data we collect.
The application collects the following data:
a) Language information: The application stores information about the selected language in the TV's memory to better tailor content to your preferences.
b) Pairing data: The application stores pairing data, such as a generated string, in the TV's memory to enable currency presentations for a user account created on the external website

2. How we use the collected data.
We use the collected data in the following ways:
a) Content customization: Language information is used to adjust the application's content to the user's language preferences.
b) Pairing improvement: Pairing data is used to link the application with the account of the created user.

3. Data protection.
We maintain all necessary technical and organizational measures to protect your data from loss, unauthorized access, accidental destruction, or damage. Data is stored only on the TV. Access to it is protected by mechanisms built into the TV.

4. Data disclosure.
None of the data collected by the application is shared with third parties.

5. Account creation.
An account is created through the external service

6. Removing pairing.
Removing the pairing causes the application to be disconnected from the external service
Removing pairing is not the same as deleting an account.

7. Account deletion.
The created account can be deleted at any time through the external service
The account is automatically deleted in case of no activity on the account for more than 30 days.

8. Advertisements.
Neither the application nor the external service sends advertisements.

9. User rights.
The user has the right to request their personal data for its update or the possibility of deletion.

10. Changes to the Privacy Policy.
We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. In case of significant changes, we will notify you through the application or on the website. We recommend checking our Privacy Policy regularly to stay up to date with its current provisions.

11. Contact.
If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us at email: or through the contact form on our website.